The first Global Network where freight forwarders specialized in the transportation of wine, beer, and all kinds of alcoholic beverages interact.
Our mission is to build a united and strong community that assists members in establishing or expanding a network of contacts to ensure the success of their business. We encourage cooperation in the WWCA community through specialization and exclusivity, both fundamental pillars.
Be part of the new, strategic, and innovative Alliance created to build business opportunities!


Countries around the world

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Agents by country
Be part of the new, strategic and innovative Alliance created to build synergies and business opportunities in the wine and spirits sector


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I know Mrs. Montse Nomen since longtime. I cooperated with Cargo Club since 2000. I first met Montse in Paris maybe in 2002. Then, my husband, N.Y. & me visited Barcelona and met many overseas agents in April 2018.. We were proposed to be a member of a brand new network, WWCA in 2020 by Montse.

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Joined the World Wine Cargo Alliance Network in 2020. We can truly attest that this is a network where agents share values of ambition, passion, commitment, and collaboration for the logistics industry.
Working together with an elite group of selected agents has been most rewarding and mutually beneficial with shared success for all members.

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Mint has been a WWCA member since 2019. Wine is a temperature sensitive product and being part of a group of specialized freight forwarders gives us the opportunity to improve our capabilities within this beautiful industry. The quality of the interactions with all other members is superb and we found an outstanding approach to the business development by most of them.

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There's nothing better than achieving your goals. Ms. Montse has carried WWCA networking to the next level, creating a great synergy to help us succeed in our business in logistics.
Ms. Alison is excellent in her communication which helps us bind together with fellow partners and achieve our common goals.
WWCA family has grown and prospered together, proud to have been a part of this vibrant family.
Ms. Alison is excellent in her communication which helps us bind together with fellow partners and achieve our common goals.
WWCA family has grown and prospered together, proud to have been a part of this vibrant family.